Orange County Gymnastics has faced hurdles in the past year, but it could find reprieve if a deal between owners Tim and Jessica Baker and Carrboro Plaza succeeds.
Tim Baker said he and his wife purchased the decades-old company in December 2011 with high hopes, but have since faced months of problems and multiple relocations.
But if all goes as hoped, the studio could soon find a permanent home in Carrboro Plaza.
Baker said the development’s manager contacted the owners after the studio’s frequent moves attracted media attention.
“They came to us and said they’d love to have us out there,” said Baker.
Terrill Wipper, who works for an accounting group and is handling the lease for Carrboro Plaza, said while no deal has been finalized, the plaza is interested in having the studio.
If the deal succeeds, it will put to rest months of uncertainty.
The studio had to relocate from its first location for repairs to the building after mold and asbestos were found in December.
After securing a temporary two-month lease at University Mall, the owners learned their original location had such bad structural issues that it would cost too much to renovate.