In her recent column, Zaina Alsous questions the process by which the proposed Shortbread Lofts project was green-lighted.
Her concern about inclusion of current local residents in the decision process fails to recognize the pitfalls of doing so.
Land use regulation is one of the true bipartisan issues: Liberals and conservatives alike enjoy being local tyrants. This is a theme in the latest work by, of all people, the left-leaning blogger Matt Yglesias in “The Rent is Too Damn High.”
Inclusion of current local homeowners in planning sounds laudable and scratches the egalitarian itch of many liberal-minded people.
It also allows local property owners to capture the regulatory system and limit new housing.
It also discourages downtown density, which encourages longer commutes into urban centers and is less green.
We must at least consider these potential effects here. If supply doesn’t meet demand, students will find housing in existing structures, many in Northside.
Rents will inflate and likely accrue to a few local property owners — not the outcome most want.