v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
That awkward moment when you’re walking down the dorm hallway and smell something funny, and then you realize you’re on the guy’s floor.
I volunteer my wrist to be transplanted for Marshall. I’m in Bio 101 right now, so I know how this stuff works.
To the girl making fun of me for being on OKCupid: Are you free Saturday night?
For those in-state students complaining about how out-of-state-students do nothing good for UNC: We’ll just take back Henson, Barnes, Zeller, McAdoo, Marshall, Strickland, McDonald and Hubert.
To Nature: Next time your trees/flowers decide to go for a money shot, at least give us a heads up. This s—t is everywhere.
To the bro I walked in on: Sorry, but NCAA tourney > your sex life. Close your door.
To the girl in the study lounge who asked me if I could watch your stuff for a minute: I could, for a minute. It’s been an hour.
To the girl on the quad throwing tennis balls and trying to get her friend to chase after them: Stop trying to make fetch happen.