I address Mr. Williams, whose letter to the editor Friday clearly demonstrates that he is not up to date on Rush Limbaugh and his never-ending, narrow-minded comments.
This man has made a living spreading hate on his radio show. You, Mr. Williams, are rude and disrespectful to refer to Ms. Fluke by calling her Ms. Flake.
I ask you this: would any of this furor over contraceptives and having women get insurance coverage for the cost of such — it is much more expensive for a birth control prescription than a condom — even exist if men got pregnant? I think not. I do not even believe this whole issue would have been brought forth on the table.
We women find it very disturbing that many of the issues being debated directly affect our gender and that we are not allowed representation in the discussion.
Limbaugh’s statement that if Ms. Fluke wants help with her cost of contraceptives then we need something in return, sex videos of her we can watch, was obnoxious and rude. He stated he was joking. Yeah, right.
Limbaugh again is notorious for his ugly comments like this one. And no, he was not joking, he was trying to insult her.
I suggest next time you write a letter to the paper, you do some research. This is only the tip or the iceberg of ugly statements by Limbaugh.
Kathy D. Morgan
Exam Proctor and Student Services Representative
The Friday Center