Every year, I see piles of broken, used, nearly new and completely unused dorm furniture and supplies next to UNC’s dumpsters.
Whether they come from out-of-staters, new graduates or in-staters with small cars, this is not an appropriate response to Orange County’s landfill problems.
With weeks until finals, now is the time to make plans for all the stuff you’ve accumulated. Don’t throw it all away when someone else — or you in the future — may need it!
Clean and donate your rugs, lamps, furniture, etc. to the in-dorm Tar Heel Treasure collection, or call the PTA Thrift Store to come pick them up for you.
On Saturday, May 5, from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., the monthly “Really Really Free Market” will take place at the Carrboro Farmers’ Market.
Even your half-used shampoo bottle, shower caddy and cracked mirror could find a good home there.
Recycle old class notes like you know you should or — an even more radical idea — keep them. What use is all that hard work and information learned if you forget it in one, five or 10 years?
Sell or give away your electronics on Craigslist instead of tossing them. I’ve seen working laptops and an Xbox trashed before — so I sold them myself. Call your parents and make sure you have enough vehicle capacity to move your items home.