Clarification (4/09/2012, 4:46 p.m.): An earlier version of this story neglected to mention that the reading of “8” is being presented by both PlayMakers and UNC’s Department of Dramatic Art. The Daily Tar Heel apologizes for any confusion.
It’s a coincidence that a local theater company is producing a dramatic reading about Proposition 8 less than a month before the state will vote on Amendment One, a similar piece of legislation.
But the people involved with the project at PlayMakers Repertory Company and the Department of Dramatic Art say the timing is fortuitous.
“Having this production today offers people an opportunity to get real information about the experience of voting for the rights of minority groups and how it impacts a community,” said Chapel Hill Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt.
Kleinschmidt will make his PlayMakers debut reading stage directions for the one-night reading of Dustin Lance Black’s script for “8” tonight at Paul Green Theatre.
Nathaniel Claridad, a UNC graduate student, proposed the idea in the fall for a campus production of “8” after he read that Black was offering the play’s rights to colleges and community.
Black, who won an Academy Award for the 2008 film “Milk,” wrote the play for public service as well as entertainment, said Tim Scales, one of the reading’s producers.
The play is about the closed trial that overturned California’s Prop 8 in 2010, based on transcripts and Black’s firsthand interviews.
Readings of the play have been performed on Broadway and across the country with such names as George Clooney and Brad Pitt.