I have never applied for a part-time job expecting to learn any meaningful life lessons. In fact, I don’t know anyone who has.
We tend to think of part-time jobs as a means of scraping by and paying our dues until our real careers take off.
If we’re lucky, our coworkers will be friendly, the hours will mesh with our class schedules and the pay will be enough to buy groceries.
In October, I was very fortunate to be hired at a local toy store. My coworkers are some of the coolest people I have ever met. My boss understands that I am a student and thus cannot — no matter what — work during class time. I’m able to buy groceries because I play with toys and wrap gifts.
But the best thing about this job is the foggy window pane of humanity made a little clearer by the children who come in.
Before I took this job, I seriously doubted that I would ever want to reproduce. Now, however, I am in touch with my inner Mama Bear. She doesn’t need to come out of hibernation for several more years, but I know that she’s in there.
It turns out that everything you need to know about people can be learned by observing kids in a toy store. The most obvious — and most entertaining — lesson is of the differences between men and women.
There are plenty of sweet, funny little girls who come into the store, but they are already somehow less childlike than the boys.
It’s like they just know. They are born knowing. If they see something they want, they’re going to try their hardest to get it. They don’t need any help, and they aren’t above manipulating.