v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
Uh, yeah. I’ll have a large order of waffle fries, but could you hand them to me over by the Subway in an unmarked bag? Thanks.
If the men in College Republicans looked anything like Paul Ryan, I’d give up my socialism-loving liberal ways before you could say “budget cuts.”
To my POLI 101 professor: You may want to see a doctor. Have them check for a pulse.
Of course I don’t mind putting away the laptop that the University requires me to have … who uses those for taking notes anyway?
News flash to the freshmen: posting your schedule on Facebook looking for any classmates will lead to never meeting these people or a really awkward moment when you do.
To the people who took my bagels in the Union, I know who you are.
To the girl in Bull’s Head plowing through a bag of bulk candy like you starved all summer: It’s too early in the semester to eat your feelings.
So with FallFest being canceled and a football postseason being impossible, can we just all agree this whole year shouldn’t count?