The struggling economy has prompted the N.C. Community College System to respond with a revamped curriculum .
The Code Green Super Curriculum Improvement Project puts students at the forefront of a new cost-efficient system. Also, the new emphasis on training students to work with green technologies is a practical solution in the push for sustainability.
The N.C. Community College System should continue to keep students’ interests at the center of their future curricula changes.
The new program aims to revise community college curricula across the state to make them easier to regulate and to begin training students in green technologies.
The system should push to include sustainability in more aspects of their curricula.
As many graduates struggle to find jobs, the rest of the revisions will grant students the course flexibility necessary to take their education beyond a class setting and into the realm of practical, real-life skills.
While the changes will reduce 77 curricula into 32 core standards, it will allow students to obtain multiple certifications.
Mixing and matching courses will provide students with the ability to develop the skills potential jobs require rather than just matching the criteria necessary to obtain a degree.
Students transferring across schools will also be able to transfer courses more easily.