Despite a campuswide fixation on recent athletic and academic scandals, UNC’s Black Student Movement and Carolina Black Caucus are looking to move forward.
In Wednesday’s BSM forum, “A Case of Race: Issues and Insights Before Us,” faculty and students met to discuss pressing issues within the black community and tensions between University athletes and students.
“There is a need for us who are on the non-athletic side to challenge our perception of what we think of athletics and of what we think of athletes,” said senior Mycal Brickhouse, founder of Carolina Men Advocating for Learning, Empowerment and Success.
“I think a lot of us have stereotypes we tend to put athletes in,” he said.
Brickhouse said there needs to be a dialogue between student athletes and their peers to emphasize the importance of both sports and academics.
This issue has been especially prominent during the recent scrutiny of UNC’s athletic department.
“So the question for the University is: If you admit (the athletes), what is your obligation to make sure they are educated?” said Donna-Marie Winn, scientist at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute.
Clayton Parros, a member of UNC’s track team, spoke at the meeting, echoing Brickhouse’s desire for an enhanced conversation.
He added that he wished his peers had motivated him more academically: “We need to encourage each other to be better on all levels.”