I am glad the Coalition for Peace and the Church of Reconciliation had the chance to post their erroneous political ad on the Chapel Hill bus, for it only served to expose their naivete on foreign affairs and their blatant hatred of Israel.
This church group has joined a conspiracy of fools in an attempt to render Israel defenseless.
We have Iran threatening to wipe out Israel as they enrich uranium at levels never before seen.
Israel, that tough little nation, is a western bulwark against the aggressive intents of Iran and other bellicose nations.
Compared to the $2 billion in military aid to Israel, the U.S. contributes more than $130 billion yearly, to the defense of Europe.
While Israel and Egypt are the two largest recipients of U.S. aid, for its “participation” in the Gulf War, Egypt was forgiven its indebtedness of $9 billion, while Israel pays its bills. Our investment in Israel is rewarded many times over.
Rene’ Paul de La Varre
Massage therapist
Chapel Hill