This University has always been rightly proud of its tradition of student self-governance.
However, Student Congress has currently lost focus of the purpose of that self-governance.
Student Congress’ main duty is to manage the appropriation of student fees to student groups. It has a responsibility to the student body to make sure this money is well-spent.
Instead, Congress is wracked by personal disputes that have taken precedence over making efficient, thorough decisions that keep student interests at the forefront.
Currently, drawn-out arguments focusing more on “Robert’s Rules of Order” than the real issues at hand make meetings inefficient.
Structured proceedings matter, but when individual members split hairs over talking order or manipulate the rules of order to prevent those with legitimate comments from speaking, the entire process suffers.
Students who come to request money and present information about their organization are sometimes forced to sit through several hours of meetings over the course of weeks before they have a chance to speak.
A growing faction within Student Congress has been voting as a bloc, seemingly making decisions motivated more by personal power plays than on what is truly best for the students who will be affected.
For example, members will interrogate certain potential appointments, but then pass others without discussion.