First Amendment
Tuesday was First Amendment Day and in that light, we should all take a moment to be thankful for all the things Ol’ Firstie gives us license to do. Speech, religion, assembly, petition, and ahem the press are all kept safe from unwanted intrusion by the First. So keep on doing your expressive thing, ‘Murca.
Vegan video
The non-profit group Farm Animal Rights Movement (F.A.R.M., GET IT?!) is paying UNC students $1 to watch a short video about animal slaughter for food. While we are definitely pro-animal rights and pro-transparency in business, we are also very pro-chicken biscuits. Man, we talk about food a lot in these things…
Nom Nom Nom
In the past, these Quick Hits have been a little holier-than-thou about eating greasy, decadent food. But not this time we aren’t. The deep-fried Girl Scout cookies at the upcoming State Fair are a welcome — and quite frankly, overdue — gift from the Cholesterol Gods. Now if only there were a way to deep-fry milk.