In Thursday’s issue of the DTH, first-year Addie McElwee addressed the fundamental difference between the two genders of men and women in what I interpreted as a short-sighted, narrow-minded, heteronormative worldview.
There are actually more than two genders including but not limited to genderqueer, gender-fluid, two-spirit, cis-gender and trans. There are two sexes, which shouldn’t be separated based on such arbitrary things as hygiene routines.
She shows no knowledge of the gender non-specific housing movement on campus. If she researched, she would know that Chancellor Holden Thorp’s biggest problem wasn’t himself; it was the donors, the N.C. General Assembly and the Board of both Governors and Trustees.
While she acknowledges that it is a welcome opportunity for the safety and peace of mind of a “large group of students,” it is absolutely mind boggling that she would prioritize the puritan restraint between consenting adults over the safety of students.
If people enter in to gender non-specific housing with ill intents then that’s not my concern, nor is it anyone else’s; and housing already has a protocol to deal with incompatible roommates.
Housing policy is discriminating against students who are disabled and have opposite sex caretakers, against opposite sex siblings who want to share the same room and against friends who are of the opposite sex.
Swati Rayasam ’13
Executive board member