This letter is in response to the letter published about not voting by a law student.
The letter states “I refuse to legitimize the government by voting, because I disapprove of its actions.” While this is sound logic, I have to wonder why this individual has chosen to live in the United States.
You do not have to vote, as that is your right as a citizen of this country. However, regardless of whether or not you vote on a particular position, someone will still take that position.
We elect officials to make policies for our country because that is a full time job that we cannot do in addition to our other jobs.
Will someone agree 100 percent with everything a candidate takes a position on? Of course not, but at least we can voice our opinion by voting to show that we agree with one candidate more than the other.
I vote so that I know that I can have an impact to ensure that there are at least some policies put in place that I agree with.
If you feel there should be a candidate that has stances on issues/policies that are not currently being presented, then I suggest you consider running.
It is easy to sit back and complain about the government, but I would rather have an active voice in who gets to represent our country next.