The Orange County Board of Commissioners is finally delivering on its promises to the Rogers Road community.
One week ago, the board approved a total of $650,000 for starting up the Rogers Road Community Center.
This move, while 40 years late, is a step in the right direction and shows a newfound commitment to the residents of the Rogers Road community.
The residents have been asking for a community center since 1972, in exchange for housing the county’s landfill.
While the Rogers Road community had a community center, it was shut down in August two years after it opened because it failed to meet fire and safety standards.
The original community center was located in a house and did not have smoke detectors, an evacuation plan nor the necessary emergency exits.
The board’s recent approval of $650,000 will go toward building a new 5,000 square foot community center.
This response is 40 years after the board made the commitment to compensate the residents for housing the landfill.
By approving additional funding toward the establishment of a new, permanent community center, the board is finally making good on the promise it made to the residents of the Rogers Road community.