Here’s some important info for students registered in Orange County who are voting Tuesday but who have moved and not reported their address change.
1) Voters who moved less than 30 days ago can go to their old polling place and vote on the regular ballot.
2) Voters can go to the old precinct, report their address change, check in and get a precinct transfer form and take it to the new precinct and vote a regular ballot. Verify the old polling place on a registration card or go to and click “My election information.”
3) Voters can go directly to the new precinct and vote by filling out an address change form and vote on a provisional ballot; find new polling place by going to and clicking “My polling place.”
4) Voters can go to old polling place, report an address change and vote a provisional ballot that will be counted only for races common to both polling places.
If you have moved within the same dorm this is always in the same precinct, so you can vote on a regular ballot at the old precinct. Dorms are in five different precincts, so if you move to another dorm, you likely move to a new precinct polling place.
Gerry Cohen ’72