This is a response to Cody Welton’s piece, in which he states that the Pamela Geller’s ad citing Israel’s dissidents as “savage” does not constitute hate speech.
Welton refers to the ad as an “anti-Jihad ad,” as if he understands what Jihad actually means and also calls the actions “savage.”
The definition of “jihad” directly translates to “struggle.” It is not a call to war, it is not a movement perpetuated by “savages.”
Jihad is the Arabic term for the internal struggle that all we humans face on a daily basis to be the best versions of ourselves. It is a belief I subscribe to as a modern Muslim. The definition is also available on Wikipedia.
Geller is entitled to her claims (and her ad’s viability is a debate for another time). Journalists, however, are held to a higher standard.
As a journalist, I think it’s vital that we use our positions as public dispensers of information to do just that: serve the public by providing the most adequate and factually-supported information available.
By not providing the definition of jihad, or specifying whatever form of “Jihad” he seems to be writing about, Welton misrepresents an entire movement’s way of life to his readers.
His oversight contributes to a greater ignorance that only hinders progressive discussion, especially when considering the breadth of the readership his piece has garnered, being featured in a paper that thousands read.