Last Friday, I was just as eager to read the kvetches as anyone. However, I was quickly disgruntled when I read the kvetch, “To the guy getting a Safe Walk from the UL at 10 p.m.: Grow a pair.”
First of all, I could attack The Daily Tar Heel for publishing such a travesty just to get a few laughs. Yet, I could also speak directly to the source of this judgment.
In this community, we constantly speak of acceptance and the effort to put oneself into another’s shoes. Have you not been listening?
It is not our right to decide what feeling safe means for anyone else, of any gender. It does not matter for what reason this guy was with Safe Walk, be it because the walkers were his friends or because he felt safer with the company; his reasons were just that — his own.
In light of recent deaths of students, I would especially encourage everyone to choose safety over “having a pair.”
In fact, I think that making this wise decision is much ballsier than writing a kvetch to tear down others.
Edification and understanding, UNC. I dare each of you to try it.
Katie Hill ’13
Elementary education