One would think that a Quickhit would avoid an idiotic statement that insinuates a false notion … but sadly, it did not.
The Quickhit about the “I voted” sticker and getting a free cupcake from Sugarland and the jab at Michelle Obama’s courageous initiative to have nutritious food served to our children in school was low.
Frankly it sounds like something a Tea Partier, ultra Conservative GOP-er would say.
Michelle Obama simply is asking that schools not serve junk food to our children, a good thing that we should embrace, seeing that obesity is a huge problem for adults and for children.
Do us a favor: Quit throwing punches at someone for trying to help our kids.
And do not try to say she is trying to have government dictate what we can and cannot do in our personal lives.
They have no problem dictating who we can love; you cannot have it both ways. And remember, your tax dollars are paying for the junk food children eat in school.
Personally, I would rather my tax dollars going to public schools to pay for healthy meals.