Chancellor Holden Thorp announced Thursday that UNC-Chapel Hill will begin providing gender non-specific housing in fall 2013.
The Gender Non-Specific Housing Coalition is grateful to the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees for its unanimous support Thursday of a resolution brought forward by the University affairs committee.
We are tremendously grateful to all of the people who have worked to make gender non-specific housing a reality.
In particular, this would not have happened without the staunch support of the Department of Housing and Residential Education; the executive branch of student government (2011-12 and 2012-13); the Campus Y (committees and cabinet); Student Congress (2011-12 and 2012-13); the Residence Hall Association; all of the student organizations and departments who provided letters of support for last year’s proposal; the 2,807 students who signed the petition in support of the proposal; and all of the students who so generously volunteered their time, talents and energy throughout the course of this campaign.
We especially want to thank Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Winston Crisp and Chancellor Holden Thorp for their guidance and for their advocacy with numerous external stakeholders during the course of the past two years.
Last, but certainly not least, we thank the staff of The Daily Tar Heel for their coverage of the gender non-specific housing initiative.
This coverage allowed the campus to engage in a public conversation and allowed an opportunity for us to provide factual information about the proposal.
The Gender Non-Specific Housing Coalition spearheaded this effort, but we as a campus community accomplished this.
Kevin Claybren ’14
Women’s and Gender Studies