Race is not an inherently political issue.
Recognizing that racial differences still matter in American society isn’t a politically biased statement.
I’ve grown tired of being approached on various occasions and warned that my confrontation and awareness of racial issues in American society could in some way jeopardize my journalistic integrity.
With each piece I’ve written, I’ve delivered facts. Yet I’ve been told that I shouldn’t speak on these issues and that my continued work surrounding these issues make me appear to have left-winged political views.
Well, I’m here to say: Race is not a political issue and the plain acknowledgement of issues surrounding race relations, racial inequality and other issues does not align one with any major political party.
Race is a social construct. It’s a means of acknowledging cultural difference. It’s an acknowledgement of differences in experience and point of view.
The origin of race lays centuries ago in the European justification of colonial imperialism. Race was used as a means to determine superiority and social class.
When I write about black issues, Hispanic issues, Asian issues or multiracial issues, none fit perfectly into the agendas of either major political party.
To conclude otherwise is to ignore the complexities that exist within each racial group and to undervalue the role of other factors that affect political affiliation like gender, socioeconomic class, religion and sexual orientation.