The Campus Y represents a legacy of 150 years of working for social justice.
Through Y campaigns we work to uphold this legacy.
Last semester it was the passage of the gender non-specific housing Y campaign.
This semester we are launching two new campaigns: survivors and allies for empowerment and reform (SAFER) Carolina and divestment from coal.
The divestment from coal campaign is pushing UNC-Chapel Hill to divest its endowment (valued at $2 billion) from the dirty coal industry.
The UNC Sierra Student Coalition and the Campus Y are asking students to vote in support of the coal divestment referendum on Feb. 12.
The SAFER Carolina campaign aims to raise awareness about the reality of sexual and interpersonal violence at Carolina and of its effects on our Carolina community.
The Campus Y understands that student stories must be heard, and that the University must be held accountable for all of its actions.