Fighting Lie-rish
Wednesday, Deadspin broke the weirdest story in sports since at least whatever the last thing Dennis Rodman did was. The details are complicated, but the gist is that Notre Dame superstar Manti Te’o fabricated a heartbreaking story about a girlfriend who died of leukemia. But it gets worse…
Forever alone
Not only did the girlfriend not date Te’o or die of
leukemia, but she didn’t even exist. Theories explaining Teo’s truly epic lie run the gamut from psychosis to Heisman-hunting conspiracy. Whatever the case, this just goes to show that Notre Dame fans are just the worst kind of people.
That took ball(s)
In an interview recorded Monday night, cyclist and bracelet enthusiast Lance Armstrong told Oprah that he had used performance-enhancing drugs in his Tour de France victories. Though disheartening, the nightmare is finally over. Never again will Americans have to pretend to care about anything in France.