Slavery is a practice that virtually all people find morally and ethically abhorrent. I’d contend that the most sacred gift we are given as human beings is the natural and absolute right to our lives.
In other words, you are owned by you. Working for someone else and toward someone else’s goals represents a sharp departure from the idea that we should write the story of our lives, reap the rewards of our hard work and be treated equally in the eyes of the law.
In light of the fiscal cliff debacle, fresh debates over whose income should be taxed, and at what rate, give us a chance to pause and reassess taxes.
The new year also gave us all a chance to reassess our figure. Anyone looking for a gym buddy? Lol.
Just in case you were living under a rock this holiday season, higher payroll taxes were renewed for all Americans (resulting in 2 percent less take home pay per year). And individuals earning over $400,000 ($450,000 for families)[PDF] face higher rates — sorry, Roy. Anyone else anticipating less spending and investment in 2013?
The fruits of our labor, wages and profits are rewards for providing a product or service that some other person(s) appreciated enough that they were willing to pay for it.
UNC students and recent graduates will enter the workforce and, hopefully, provide meaningful and productive efforts towards the advancement of society.
Getting an understanding of how much of that work belongs wholly and exclusively to you provides for interesting thought experiments.
The average American earning about $40,000 pays an effective tax rate [PDF] just north of 25 percent.