While UNC reviews its own sexual assault policies, national legislation has been proposed to improve sexual assault policies on college campuses.
The Campus Sexual Violence Elimination, or SaVE, Act, seeks to implement national sexual assault prevention standards for universities nationwide.
The provision is part of the Violence Against Women Act, which was reauthorized by the U.S. Senate last week and awaits approval by the House.
Current law requires that schools provide sexual assault victims with contact information for legal assistance, counseling and health services.
The SaVE Act would expand upon the law and require campuses to enact preventative educational sexual assault measures.
Colleges and universities would be required to provide educational programming regarding domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking for both students and employees.
In addition, the act would require that all incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking be reported in an annual campus crime statistics report.
U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan, D-N.C., said in a statement that she supports the legislation.
“Sexual assault, stalking and domestic violence are serious issues affecting women today, and college women are most at risk,” she said.