Last Friday, Mr. Stevens wrote that when he goes to a mechanic he wants someone to fix his brake line, not recite Shakespeare.
His letter shows a disappointing lack of imagination when it comes to envisioning education’s role in our society.
While the liberal arts do serve a purpose in preparing students for certain careers, we are stilting our appreciation of their potential if we see them as mere tools for wealth maximization.
Through literature, history, philosophy and art we are pushed beyond our comfort zones, exposed to moral ambiguities, and challenged by viewpoints that conflict with our own.
This is not mere preparation for the corporate boardroom; rather, it tests our ability to engage in that great experiment known as democracy.
Only a faction of our population will ever attend four-year universities, but we will all participate in the civic polity regardless of the professions we pursue.
Zealan Hoover ’13
Political Science
Peace, War & Defense