Portal to nowhere
Friday, Chancellor Thorp will unveil a new “portal” between UNC and Duke. Before you get excited, no, UNC hasn’t mastered the time-space continuum and built an actual portal. Instead, we have mastered the art of installing expensive, needless flat screens that contribute nothing of value. Edifice complex!
I’m still mad
Seriously, no one is going to use the damn “portal” for anything constructive. What possible need could anyone have to look into Duke’s Bryan Center for anything but good ol’ fashioned dicking around. The money used to pay for this could have been spent better on literally anything else. Literally.
We’re not alone…
UFO sightings have been on the uptick lately. Thankfully, we’re protected from potentially unfriendly E.T.s by some wonderful skywatchers in Carrboro — when they’re not peeing on their compost piles, that is. The aliens must be drawn here by the out-of-this-world food at COSMIC Cantina! (HA! PUNS!)