We are glad that you continue to update the campus about reactions to the strategic plan for the UNC system.
Faculty across the system continue to critique the plan, officially and informally.
On 13 campuses of the UNC system, faculty councils, senates and executive committees have passed statements endorsing the faculty assembly’s resolution on Jan. 18 to include specific changes in the strategic plan that would put faculty control over curricular matters into the document.
These campuses include: UNC-CH, East Carolina University, UNC-Charlotte, UNC-Asheville, UNC-Pembroke, UNC-Wilmington, UNC School of the Arts, Western Carolina University, Winston Salem State University, North Carolina Central University, Fayetteville State University, North Carolina School of Science and Math and North Carolina State University.
Two other campuses will vote on Feb. 6 and Feb. 11.
As the Faculty Advisory Council’s report stated, faculty control should be written into the entire plan, and especially into the sections on general education, assessment, distance education and “efficiencies” relating to class size as well as program consolidation.
Given the growing support of faculty across the system, the Board of Governors should not adopt the strategic plan this Friday without ensuring that the changes made by the Faculty Advisory Council are written into the document.
Darryl Gless
Department of English and Comparative Literature