As I read about the Orange County capital projects that include a jail and more emergency services, I get sad about their focus.
I wish N.C. took the infrastructure seriously with regard to a healthy lifestyle and opportunities to ride, walk or safely move across town on foot, bike or skateboard.
Sure, you can live in a small area and get around somewhat easily (Carrboro or downtown Chapel Hill) but to really get around without a car, you are taking your life in your own hands. Some do it, but it’s not without anger from drivers or extreme personal peril.
Unfortunately, we’re eating, sitting and driving like it’s 2013.
Parts of the county and private groups for health and safety in N.C. try to address this, but it’s not a cultural belief, and so N.C. enjoys being a top-20 state for obesity.
It’s hard to be healthy when you’re seriously damaged (or worse) from being hit by a car.
A healthy lifestyle has to be integrated into the process of a community.
Yes, there are paths and gyms and places to walk, bike or run safely, after we park our car which we had to take to get to the path, pool or gym.
I hope the commissioners and others will consider the larger implications of other beneficial infrastructure like paths, shoulders and sidewalks as this area grows and changes.
We live in a beautiful state. I hope someday more people will get outside and enjoy it.