v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
So we send our solid waste to Durham and they send us their criminals? Seems like a fair trade to me.
To the guy in my music class picking Duke to win it all: I hope you choke on a stale marshmallow.
To all my friends who weren’t eating in preparation for spring break: You literally only lost weight in your boobs. #suckstosuck
Gary Birdsong: making sure there’s one thing to hate about beautiful spring days since 1982.
Frat boys: Nobody gets a chubbie when you wear your Chubbies.
To the professor in the knee-length purple blazer outside Greenlaw: Why so serious?
To the person in Davis who bought the vending machine tuna: Thank you for making everyone within 100 feet want to vomit.
To my roommate’s troll of a boyfriend who won’t move out of our room: Wingardium Leviosa!