As Monday’s article on K-12 funding suggests, a well-funded public education system is important to create a productive and successful state.
North Carolina may not spend the most per pupil in K-12 education, but simply throwing more money into education will not create results. The state legislature must devote financial resources to policies proven to boost student achievement.
Research shows teachers are the single most important in-school factor in student achievement.
North Carolina ranks 46th in teacher pay, with starting salaries for teachers with a four-year degree being $30,800 before taxes.
Long-term dedication to teaching isn’t rewarded either, as it takes 15 years of teaching to break even the $40,000 mark.
This is where North Carolina must step up to recruit stronger and more talented individuals into the teaching profession.
We will have more luck attracting bright, talented individuals to the classroom by paying them a salary that won’t scare them away.
Raising the starting salary for teachers in North Carolina will raise the prestige of the teaching profession. Setting North Carolina apart will attract the best talent to our state’s schools.