I am a member of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA who is extremely grateful that this steadfast and uplifting organization is a part of our community.
I am also a concerned member, unsettled by recent verbal attacks and allegations against the Y.
While I support people having their opinions represented in this paper, I ask that you represent both sides of the issue.
Recently, your paper published pieces in regard to the racquetball courts being removed from the Y. Some members are upset about this service being taken away from them.
However, I would like to remind these members, and the rest of the community, of the many other important services the Y offers.
From after-school childcare to recreational sports teams to summer camps, children are offered safe and fun learning experiences at the Y.
The Y provides us with a wide variety of fitness classes which are free to its members — I ask you to find another gym that will offer that service.
In fact, one of the things I love most about the Y is that so many people of different ages and backgrounds come together on the fitness floor around the common goals of health and wellness.