When I was asked to write a story in November about the University’s sexual assault policy, I never expected the topic to be something that I reported on more than once.
At the time, sexual assault was so far removed from my life — like many who have never dealt with the issue, I completely overlooked it.
It wasn’t until reporting that story that I realized I had tapped into a campus conversation that was long overdue.
It’s a conversation that’s taken us into the beginning of April. It’s also one that has no end in sight.
I think that’s a good thing.
People often ask me what it’s been like to cover sexual assault at UNC for the past four months.
The question has no easy answer. The months have been marked by oscillating feelings of sympathy, pride, frustration and confusion, among others.
I don’t think a reporter can — or ever will — be completely prepared to cover sexual assault.
Reporters are people, and at The Daily Tar Heel, reporters are also students. We’re members of the community that we report on, and we’re impacted as much as anyone else by what we hear and see.