The state of education in North Carolina has reached a crucial juncture. As you indicated last week in “N.C. Senate bill could end tenure for K-12 teachers,” the General Assembly will continue to debate, over the coming weeks, legislation that will shape the future of North Carolina’s primary and secondary education.
Whether or not you agree with the underlying philosophy of this bill, it is important that we become more cognizant of its implications so that we may ensure the best future for North Carolina’s teachers and students.
Students for Education Reform is hosting a statewide rally on Saturday in Raleigh to spread awareness with respect to the forthcoming transitions in North Carolina’s education system.
The UNC-CH chapter and Students for Education Reform chapters from East Carolina University, Wake Forest and Duke will converge on the Halifax Mall from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. in an effort to engage community stakeholders and political partners in our common goal to close the opportunity gap in North Carolina.
We urge UNC students and members of the Chapel Hill community to attend the rally in order to advocate for teachers and students across the state.
Regardless of your politics, this will be a great opportunity to amplify the voice of any great teachers or mentors who have guided us along our paths to UNC. To sign up go to:
Tom Wolf ’14