v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
Yo, Holi Moli and giant chalk: I’m really happy for you and I’mma let you finish, but pollen is the most annoying dust to cover this campus of all time.
Dear Carolina Instagram users: I know how beautiful campus is. I go here.
When did Pit preaching become the new hobby for white males in their forties and fifties?
“World’s Largest Spoon Train” (see also: Guinness World Record for number of awkward boners).
To the guy who barked as he walked past me: Wait, what?
RHA: When your fire drills become so regular that my body trains itself to sleep through them, you’re doing something wrong.
To the guys that feel the need to casually throw the football shirtless on Ehaus field: Your ego is showing.
It must be really hard for the Humans vs. Zombies players to give up all the sex they were having to play for a week … Oh wait.