Culling of the Folt
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, your new Chancellor Carol Folt! Wait, did I say “Folt”? Is that a name? It sounds made up. Whatever. Point being, we have, for the first time in UNC history a chancellher! It’s a proud moment for all women, even those without strange monosyllabic surnames.
Vox Clamantis
It’s going to be interesting watching her adjust to UNC from life at tiny Dartmouth College, a school buried so deep in the woods of New Hampshire that its own motto is “A voice crying out in the wilderness.” Here’s to hoping that Folt can adjust to us plebeians outside of the Ivy League.
As if everyone didn’t already hate them enough, the IRS is now claiming that Americans have no privacy in their email and Facebook chats. This is, of course, dead wrong. But if your main way of plotting to hide money from the government is Facebook Chat, you’re not exactly Al Capone, are you?