Writing on the ?oor
Ackland Art Museum placed several log-sized pieces of chalk in the Pit last week to foster expression. Unfortunately, Ackland forgot that UNC students can be kinda awful. Your fellow Tar Heels adorned the Pit with lovely chalk exhortations like “PARTY WITH SLUTS.” Keep up the good work, y’all.
Fair, Local, Organical
Local media outlet Chapelboro ran an April’s Fool’s Day article claiming that Chapel Hill and Carrboro had voted to merge, forming the town of Carr Hill. No one fell for this! Do you really think Carrboroites would ever give up their right to protest literally any new building in their town that isn’t built out of kale?
Playing politics
President Obama announced that he’ll return 5 percent of his $400,000 salary to the treasury in solidarity with Americans affected by the sequester. This would be more impressive if he wasn’t getting free housing. But you know what would show true solidarity with sequestration? Ending sequestration.