After coming to school here almost three years ago, I have watched as the state of North Carolina has constitutionally banned gay marriage, outlawed sea level rise, attempted to shut down universities and now may be prohibiting student-requested gender-neutral housing.
Aside from the obvious hindrances to society that these backward legislative actions represent, these moves are hurting the state of North Carolina in another equally serious way.
As Americans, we have always been split on our view of social progress, but one thing Americans will always value is economic progress.
Unfortunately, the actions by this state’s legislature are keeping its economy and people down.
While legislators defend their recent actions, they are only demonstrating to private enterprises around the country that North Carolina would rather divert attention to regressing back to the “good ol’ days” of the 1800s than adjust to embrace a rapidly changing economic climate ripe with opportunity.
Thus, by falling back on antiquated values and beliefs, North Carolina is shunning new businesses, implying its residents are not smart or innovative enough to be worth investing in, despite the immaculate weather.
This is something I know to be false as I have been lucky enough to encounter some of the most brilliant and motivated people I have ever met while here at Carolina.
So please, speak out to legislators, friends and family about the importance of refocusing our government on economic progress and sustainability so North Carolina can one day fulfill its incredible potential.