CORRECTION: A previous version of this article was titled, “Kidzu move prompts parking deck evaluation.” The evaluation is happening to maintain the parking deck, not because Kidzu plans to relocate there. The headline has been amended to reflect this change.
As Kidzu Children’s Museum plans a move to the Wallace Parking Deck on East Rosemary Street, the site is undergoing a structural evaluation.
The structural assessment, which has so far cost Chapel Hill approximately $26,000, is necessary for proper maintenance of the 20-year-old structure.
“The main concern is that we’re taking care of our asset to make it last,” said Brenda Jones, town parking superintendent.
And though maintenance of the facility is the town’s main concern, town spokeswoman Catherine Lazorko said the evaluation is also a proactive measure to prepare for the planned Kidzu Children’s Museum location on top of the deck.
Kidzu, which is currently located at 123 W. Franklin St. in the soon-to-be-redesigned University Square, will move into Wallace Plaza, located on top of the deck, in late 2016. They hope to begin construction in late 2014 or early 2015.
The town of Chapel Hill has contracted with engineering firms Kimley-Horn and Associates and Falcon Engineering to evaluate the deck. Once evaluations are done, the firms will make recommendations for repair and restoration.
The deck’s last evaluation was in 1998.
One problem that has already been identified is water trapped under the deck.