Leaders in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools want class rank taken off student transcripts, and they should have the freedom to do it.
The State Board of Education denied their request to do so last year, but next time it should recognize the district’s right to do what’s best for its kids.
Emphasizing class rank encourages the wrong behaviors in high school.Trying to perform well in school is obviously important, but ranking students only causes already motivated students to be more competitive.
And high school is for exploring interests and developing skills, not competing for better GPAs.
Meanwhile, disinterested students are not going to be inspired to achieve by an empty academic ranking.
Even if they commit themselves to academics and college admissions later in high school, their weakened class rank can unfairly jeopardize their chances in university admissions.
Other factors such as essays, extracurricular involvement, actual classes taken and leadership experience are far more important.
CHCCS should be encouraged to make this change for its kids.