With new administrators settling in last week, frustrating silence from top-tier University officials was supposed to come to an end.
But even with the opening of a third federal investigation into sexual assault policies on campus and an unfolding P.J. Hairston scandal growing in complexity every day, the University has largely kept its mouth shut.
A statement was just made about Hairston’s status more than a month after the initial arrest. It’s a step in the right direction, but it said little, and the University has been completely quiet about the latest federal investigation.
Regardless of what information it releases, the University should realize its wrongdoings, intentional or otherwise, will inevitably come out in the end.
In the meantime, endless speculation can easily spiral out of control.
Stalling or being silent only bogs the University down in scandal.
If it would make the first move and say the first word, then the University could control the direction these developments take — rather than fall helplessly behind.