The executive committee tasked with selecting a replacement for resigning Sen. Ellie Kinnaird, D-Orange, should take Kinnaird’s thoughts on her successor into consideration.
A committee comprised of four Democrats from Orange and Chatham counties will select Kinnaird’s replacement.
The process of finding a replacement for Kinnaird has turned into what appears to be an outright primary campaign between local Democrats.
Seven people are currently seeking Kinnaird’s seat. Several local politicians, activists and residents have thrown their hats into the ring.
Meanwhile, the only voters are the four members of the selection committee.
Kinnaird has served this district with a steadfast devotion, and it is disheartening how the process to replace her has panned out.
She knows the constituents of this area, and the integral role UNC plays in it.
This is why Kinnaird’s recommendation of Alice Bordsen, a former member of the N.C. House of Representatives who represented Alamance County, should be foremost in the selection committee’s thoughts.
Borsden has served in the General Assembly, and she knows how the system works in Raleigh.
Kinnaird and Borsden served closely together while in the General Assembly. They were co-chairs for the Joint Legislative Committee on Justice and Public Safety. They also worked on the Youth Accountability Task Force.