Happy Housekeeping, Maintenance and Facilities Services Appreciation Week!
Last week, Student Congress passed a resolution declaring this week as one of celebration and appreciation of these incredible campus departments.
This resolution spoke to the quality services that these employees provide to students, faculty and staff on a daily basis.
It spoke to the behind-the-scenes nature of many functions of each of them.
The cleanliness, safety, and comfort of our facilities is no accident, and it does not happen magically.
Instead, a behind-the-scenes force of employees works round-the-clock to ensure that our classrooms, labs, residence halls — and all other campus buildings — are ready for use each day.
If this job isn’t done, we notice.
Let’s take a moment to notice the good work that we see when the job is getting done, and getting done with excellence.
Take a moment to thank these folks not only this week, but regularly. They are an incredibly important part of your Carolina experience.
Connor Brady ’14
Student Congress