This is the first installment of a series profiling the four committees of UNC’s Student Congress.
The Student Congress Ethics Committee hopes to meet rarely this semester.
But if a conflict within the legislative body arises that demands their attention, leaders of the group say they will come together to address it.
The Ethics Committee is one of four standing committees within Student Congress. It is primarily in charge of ensuring that representatives aren’t violating any of the provisions in the University’s Student Code, which sets forth the responsibilities and regulations of student government.
Brittany Clark, chairwoman of the committee, said common ethics violations include members of Student Congress repeatedly missing meetings without notification and instances when a complaint is lodged against a specific representative.
She said meetings are called when a violation arises, and there have been fewer complaints this year than the previous session.
“In the past, people would get heated and make personal attacks on each other, but people have been good about not doing that this year, which surprised me but it’s been nice,” Clark said.
If Student Congress votes that a violation was committed, the punishment ranges from censure to impeachment.
The committee is made up of five voting members who are all also members of other committees.