We are fortunate to have a campus that is committed to the ongoing conversation about sexual assault prevention and response.
Recently there has been a large amount of criticism about the University’s response to sexual assault. This is clearly an issue students are passionate about.
We want to engage with students about the changes that the University has made, the progress in the rewriting of the policy governing sexual misconduct and what further steps the University and its students can do to address this issue.
To this end, student government is hosting a forum with Christi Hurt, the interim Title IX coordinator, Ew Quimbaya-Winship, deputy Title IX coordinator, and Bob Pleasants, the interpersonal violence prevention coordinator.
The panelists will be available to answer questions about the University’s response to and prevention of sexual assault. We would love input from students on what more the University can do. As an additional reminder, anonymous feedback can always be submitted through the website: The forum will be this evening from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in the Anne Queen Lounge of the Campus Y. We look forward to seeing you there.
Christy Lambden Student Body President
Christi Hurt
Interim Title IX Coordinator