v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
To the British Clef: I play handbells, but I would love a night with your Big Ben.
To the girl who, after letting one rip in the UL, promptly exited from her cubicle in shame, you don’t gotta run from me sweetheart, it happens to the best of us.
Why buy $4 laxatives when you can get a $2 iced coffee from The Daily Grind?
To the guy checking me out in the Walgreens line who made a visible face of disgust when he noticed I was buying tampons: My ass and my lady business are a package deal. Get over it.
To my neighbors on McCauley Street: I have a tissue with you deciding to paint your house the color of a giant booger this time of year. Sincerely, a severely sniffle-stricken student.
A Microbiology Gettysburg Address: Forespore and seven smears ago …
To the family of birds in my chimney that wakes me up each morning with its insufferable chirping: I highly suggest that you get the flock out of here.
To the guy offering beer and a raft for the hot fountain swimmer, you probably lost her at PBR. Take your hipster near-beer back to the co-op in Carrboro.