CORRECTION: Due to a reporting error, a previous version of the story stated that Student Congress debated a provision of an amendment which would require the Director of External and State Affairs to stay in Chapel Hill during the summer. This topic was briefly discussed at the meeting but there was never a formal amendment provision presented.An amendment presented by Austin Root which would require the position to maintain their duties over the summer and remain liable to the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance passed.
Student Body President Christy Lambden signed a bill Thursday that makes the new position of Director of State and External Relations permanent.
However, following a unanimous vote by Student Congress to pass the bill Tuesday, not all members were satisfied.
The position was created by Lambden last spring as a way to lobby the N.C. General Assembly and work with community leaders on UNC’s behalf. It is now a yearly executive post in the Student Code.
Finance Committee Vice-Chairman Austin Root proposed an amendment to the bill requiring the director maintain his or her duties during the summer and remain liable to the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance passed. A provision to the amendment that would require the director stay in Chapel Hill during the summer was discussed but ultimately not added.
Shelby Hudspeth, the current director, performed some of her duties while she studied abroad in June.
Root said although Hudspeth was instrumental in removing Gov. Pat McCrory’s proposed 18.3 percent tuition increase for out-of-state students, she was not present for the decision to raise out-of-state tuition by 12.3 percent.
“She wasn’t there,” he said. “It hampers everyone at the University because the quality of our education is going to go down. I’m not saying that this person could have prevented all this, but I’m saying the fact that they didn’t even try — that they weren’t even here — is a slap in the face to everybody at this University.”
The legislature cut $65 million from the UNC-system’s 2013-14 budget during the summer.