UNC students and Student Government have rightly criticized the Association of Student Governments for wasting the fees of 3,000 students at their last meeting.
ASG had their hotel rooms paid for, their meals paid for, their gas paid for, and yet they failed yet again to do any meaningful advocacy for students.
Two years ago, our organizations stood together with many others to support UNC’s withdrawal from the organization because of its dismal lack of reform — despite years of promises — and for its proven inability to effectively advocate for students. That effort failed, so UNC’s delegation recommitted to pursuing reform efforts.
Since then, ASG has continued its unblemished streak of incompetence. From the issue of gender non-specific housing to the recent change in the system’s class drop/add policy, ASG has failed to stand up for students in the Board of Governors and other institutions affecting students.
Regardless of an individual student’s particular position on any of these issues, all students should be concerned by the failures of the only systemwide organization meant to serve as the students’ voice.
Indeed, the question is becoming whether systemic issues are responsible for the inability of ASG to make any meaningful advocacy for students.
Therefore, students must have the opportunity to weigh in on the situation. It is time for Student Congress to call for another referendum so that students who are not being represented by the ASG may voice their opposition.
Peter McClelland ’15
UNC College Republicans