I found the opinion piece regarding Chapel Hill’s new bike corral very disappointing. It suggested a parking spot for 12 bikes in a single car’s space was wrong.
First, I wonder if the writer had asked the owner of Mediterranean Deli their opinion of the bike parking situation in the area — if they had, they might have learned the owner was interested in having the bike corral nearby. Second, it leaves out the excellent recent work the town has undertaken to add parking and document the locations of all parking in the area.
Finally, it suggested that a revolution in bikes will not be triggered by more parking. But the revolution has already begun. There are more bikes on the streets of Chapel Hill today than ever, and these folks need a place to park as well. The runaway success of Portland’s bike corrals is remarkable, but what is more remarkable is how the business owners are clamoring for more, as they have seen the benefits to their bottom line. They cannot roll them out fast enough.
Perhaps the DTH could assist frustrated drivers and football fans by sharing links to the town parking information web site.
John Rees
Carolina Tarwheels Bicycle Club
Chapel Hill